Rant #8: Why Can’t I Nap?

December 2, 2011

I am truly exhausted today.  It has been a long, shitty week.  It feels longer and shittier than usual.  I am completely disappointed that I am not allowed to take a nap at my desk.

I am lucky enough to sit by a window, and the sunshine is pouring into my desk area.  If we had a dog in the office, it would want to lay right where my chair is.  Despite being drafty and fridgid in this hell hole, my face is warm from the sun.  It would feel absolutely heavenly, if I wasn’t at work. 

I am tired, bored, and sitting in the sun; wouldn’t you want to nap?  I don’t want to worry about rescheduling a meeting for some ass that just wants to leave early on a Friday, no matter how many people he jerks around.  Nor do I want to talk to the peppy fat secretary who gets over excited about EVERYTHING.  (Really?  You are flipping out because some one has candy?  What are you, 5? We are in NYC, there is a Duane Reade on EVERY corner, go down and buy your fat ass your own candy.)

Please, God, let me take a “disco” nap for the next five hours, so I can wake up refreshed and pumped to get rowdie in a POS bar with shuffleboard, buck hunter, and pinball.  I cannot wait for that first beer.