Rant #26: Crime TV, Thanks for Making Me Paranoid.

January 20, 2012

OMG – There is a man working outside the window of my building and it scared the bejesus out of me.  I am on the 10th floor, and there is a rather large ledge outside my window.  But, I was just messing around on the internet, as per usual, and there he was, just peeking in the window.

It wasn’t like he was being creepy or anything.  He certainly isn’t going to tell my boss that I was not doing work.  But, Holy Shnikes. To see a random man outside my window checking out the building, made me leap out of my seat.  I don’t even know if he can see inside.  But, there was that split second that all the “Criminal Minds” and “Law and Order” episodes came rushing into my head, and I thought, “My God, I am either going to die, or now this dude is going to stalk me and then I am going to die.”

Thanks crime tv – I am now paranoid about construction workers.